Advanced solar, Inverter and Electrical installation training in Nigeria


Wavetra Energy Academy Advanced Solar/Inverter installation training plus electrical installation training. We present to you this detailed and comprehensive course on solar and inverter system training designed to take a renewable energy enthusiast with no basic knowledge, to a full fledged solar installer.

This course lasts approximately two months but after the training, we will continue to support the student and take him along to our onsite installations. We also support students who wants to establish their own renewable energy business.

REGISTER with only ₦150,000 early bird promo fee (Pay ₦170,000 after this offer expires) to learn this powerful skill in solar/renewable energy. We have LIMITED SEATS available! Boost your CV with this skill. Employers pay more attention to your skills than all your degrees put together.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Electrical safety – 1 week

Module 2: Basics of electrical power and technology – 3 weeks

Module 3: Introduction to renewable energy and solar technology – 1 week

Module 4: Solar/inverter system design and installation – 1 week

Module 3: Introduction to renewable energy and solar technology – 1 week

Module 4: Solar/inverter system design and installation – 1 week

For a detailed course outline, see link below:

Please download the advanced solar course outline here.

IMPORTANT: Limited seat available!

What happens after the training?

  1. We will link you up to jobs. Wavetra Energy LTD. partners with some companies that puts a preference on graduates.
  2. We will invite you to our installations for further field practice.
    We establish you and you stand opportunity to get solar products on credit basis and also represent Wavetra Energy LTD in your area.
  3. We will add you to the Wavetra Energy Academy Alumni group
    Wavetra Energy LTD is a member of Council for Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria.
  4. We will carry all our trainees along and provide latest industry news.

Learn from experts in the field:

Solar training in Nigeria

Wavetra Energy Academy solar inverter training

Wavetra Energy Academy solar/Inverter training

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How to register

We have discontinued this training but you can enroll in our free online programme. Please click here to register and enroll.